
A Vague Explanation

The so-called Smiling Figures (Previous Post) from the Remojadas region of Veracruz, Mexico are often regarded as expressions of Mesoamerican humor. These hollow ceramic sculptures are thought by many to be associated with a god of dance, music, and joy. Another compelling interpretation, however, relates them to a cult of pulque, an intoxicating beverage made from the fermented sap of the maguey plant. The animated faces, puffy cheeks, and swollen protruding tongues are regarded as evidence of intoxication. The figures may depict ritual participants, or even sacrificial victims. The survival of many more smiling Remojadas heads than bodies suggest to some a possible ceremonial decapitation and destruction of the bodies. This bare-chested figure, with open mouth and filed teeth, stands energetically with legs spread and arms lifted as if caught in mid-motion. The garb of this celebrant consists of circular earrings, a beaded necklace and bracelet along with a skirt decorated with laterally symmetrical patterns. On her cap are ollin symbols, a sign for motion. This sculpture evokes a festive dance or ritual accompanied by the rhythmic reverberation of the hand-held rattle and celebratory sound escaping from the figure's open mouth.



Barber Shop Commentary

It began with a definition of integrity. Dictionary.com served us up three subtle variations:
  1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
  2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
  3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.
The conversation turned toward a denigration of particular morals and I quickly check out. We all can agree that the infusion of the concept of "completeness" into the definition is significantly more provacative than what conservative, geriatrics think about goodness. (I don't say this to attack conservative values, but more over to attack the values of tired, old conventional thoughts.)

Everyone has an idea of what completeness is, but few of us have it. Like falling asleep quickly or smelling some kind of flower. Paris Hilton and Buddha. A few people feel comfortable in their own skin, but most people don't.

I drove to the Barber shop at the corner of First and Shaw and I listed to the horrible radio station, Y 101.1 (It's a social critique I'm working on).


(high pitched voice) Annie Lennox is so tight!


Wear the Wrong Colors, be Cautious

Hate it or love it the under dog's on top
And I'm gon shine homie until my heart stop

Go'head'n envy me
I'm rap's MVP
And I ain't going no where
So you can get to know me


Consider the Source

A few days ago, I received this fortune cookie. I was ecstatic. Finally, a sign from the gods detailing the amazing feats I will achieve in my life. Verifiable proof than not only am I a great person now, I will also be successful in the future! In my euphoria, I showed it to a friend of mine who sobered me up pretty quickly with the words, "Consider the source."

It's definitely easy to doubt the reliability of fortune cookies. In fact, a friend of mine once got one that said "Buy the red one" and he wasn't even car shopping. However, even if these unreliable claims are put forth by meaningless traditions, we still have a responsibility to evaluated the claims by themselves, not by their sources.

I've heard a lot of talk on the blogs about anonymous commenting. Anonymous posting is available here. Most opponents of the idea frequently make accusations of cowardice instead of dealing with the truth of the statements. It's easy to say, "Oh, James Lyons is an idiot. I don't have to listen to a thing he says." Our first thought when reading an anonymous comment is, "I wonder who said that?" It is of little or no worth to allow the prejudices of our appearances to cloud the truth, or lack of truth, in the statements we make.

Today, I made a huge mistake and criticized someone about something I didn't really understand. I considered the source before I thought about the meaning of what was being said. It's been driving me up the wall. I've been listening to Eninem: Encore.


Differences Above Similarities

The existance of verifiable atruism among primate populations has long puzzled evolutionary biologists. Altruistic behavior cannot evlove by ordinary natural selection because it decreases the fitness of the individual performing the behavior. An answer to this problem was not clearly formulated until 1964 when a biologist named W. D. Hamilton published a theory which predicts that altruistic behaviors will be favored by natural selection if the costs of perfroming the behavior are less than the benefits discounted by the coefficient of relatedness between actor and recipient.

rb > c

r = how closely the actor and the recipients are genetically related
b = the total benefits to all individuals affected by the behavior
c = the cost to the individual performing the behavior

Simplistically, this theory proposed that the closer the relationship between two individuals, the more likely they will behave benevolently toward one another.

Today, as I drove to work I was cut off by several persons insignificantly related to me. I got mad, made a few verbal and gestural comments, and then took the McKinley Ave Exit. I was listening to Ennio Morricone: The Mission Soundtrack.


Notice to Appear

Most things we do in our lives are for practical reasons. The Jetta was resurrected for practical reasons. I needed to drive to my place of work, I needed to partake more readily in the activities at church, and I needed to pay for a parking ticket. Take time to consider a definition:
cat·a·lyst (kae tE lihst) n.
A substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants, that modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process.
In this situation, a parking ticket was the catalyst for much of the initiative to resurrect the Jetta. Nothing like "trouble with the Law" to kick your butt into action. Now, it's true that my car did sit in front of my house un-insured and un-registered for a little while... but it wasn't hurting anyone. Come on, we all know that the Clovis PD checks their residential streets for un-lawfully parked vehicles more than I check my e-mail!

But it's cool. I'll be alright. Many, many good things came out of the discipline of paying this $50 ticket. This website, for example.

Today, I drove over to my friend Shawn's condominium. We played some poker, and watched some people move a couch. I listened to Coldplay: A Rush of Blood to the Head. Wouldn't it be great to hear their new album?!



I am an artist and I work in a conceptual format. Conceptual art can be difficult for uneducated viewers as it lacks the sedative elements of simpler works. Don’t be confused, art has always been about ideas. From the earliest cave paintings at Altamira and Lascaux to the diverse spectrum of content and form that we enjoy today, art is and has always been confined in the relationship between an idea and the expression (in any manifestation) of that idea.

This particular work is a library of bankruptcy law which I acquired through a generous donation. The volumes alphabetically catalog the precedent setting bankruptcy cases in the history of the United States. At its highest, it measures over 9 ½ ft and weighs over 1,200 lbs. It is the sad story of so many of our people.

Today, I am yet to drive anywhere, though I may try to make it over to the mall to get fitted for a tuxedo. Yesterday, I listened to INXS: Kick.


I Work at an Elementary School

It's true, I am employed by the Fresno County Office of Education and I work in an afterschool program at the school of John Burroughs. I work with children, third graders in particular, and I facilitate their educational development through a variety of games/homework (No Ken, I will not teach Sunday school).

As far as the image is concerned, it is a barbie jean jacket with glitter trim and has been in the Jetta's cup holder for the last six months. It was given to me by a young, second-grade lady named Stevie Sanchez. She's a gem of a girl, gracious in most things, but she desperately needs to work on her "times."

My current milage is 34mpg on the highway and 28mpg in the city. My overall average is up this week due to my numerous trips to Oakhurst, CA. God Bless the US!

Today I drove down to GW School Supply and listened to Kelly Clarkson: Break Away!


The Reason of the Jetta Resurrection

Writing, like any other human action, is an extension of the thought process. You may have noticed that the structure or logic of the writing at Jetta Resurrection isn't very "good" and this in turn might lead you to believe that the staff writers here are not competent. The intent of this post is to confront and contradict that presumption.

Robert Kaplan (1966) made a study of English composition written by foreign students and discovered that there are predictable differences in writing styles. Different cultures use specific approaches in developing a topic. Here is a diagram:

As the diagram indicates, English essay writers tend to be direct, with the main idea clearly stated, examples presented, then followed by a conclusion. Semitic writers tend to include many instances of parallelism, stating related ideas in succession. The old testament is a great example. Oriental essayists tend to develop indirectly. It is considered insulting to the reader to be direct as the reader is expected to determine the meaning. Romance languages, such as French, Spanish and Italian contain long digressions.

Jetta Resurrection does nothing less than simultaneously defy and compile all of these patterns.

Over here, we're comin' from the left, we're comin' from the right, we've already hit the bottom and we're movin' down on the top. We've been here since the beginning and you're gonna wanna wait around for the end.

Today, I drove to school and home and school and work. I listened to The Fire Theft: The Fire Theft.


The Motor's Job is to Apply Torque

Torque is a interesting and commonly misused word. Most simply, it means a turning or twisting force. Similar in many ways to spinning. This is half of what the jetta does. It allows me to "go". The other half is a little more confusing, a little less simple.

GM and Shell ran an advertisement in today's NYTimes. A huge two page spread. Most of those two pages were used to portray a bright blue, unsmoged sky. The rest of the spread hyped a vehicle and, most unsuprisingly, a Shell "hydro" gas pump.

Something reeks about the Ad. Something reeks with the stench of fraud and exploitation. GM doesn't produce a car that could be filled up with your garden hose, not because they are incapable of doing it but rather because they are incapable of making a "profit" on it. Profit , around here, is a dirty word!

This morning, I cruised the beautiful Hwy-168 on my way to Fresno State and listened to The Shins: Oh, Inverted World.