
And that John, the Favorite, was a Dry Fly Fisherman

"It is those we live with and love and should know that elude us."

Now nearly all those I loved and did not understand when I was young are dead, but I still reach out to them.

Of course, I am too old to be much of a fisherman, and now of course I usually fish the big waters alone, although some friends think I shouldn't. But when I am alone in the half-light of the canyon, all existence fades into a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise.

Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.

I am haunted by waters.


The Report and Other

"Tragedies are like facts. You have to pretend they don't exist."
- Stephen Colbert

Also, this week I saw a bumper sticker that read:
"I support our troops and President Bush's decisions."

...things are heating up!

PS: I'm currently listening to Jeopardy by the Greg Kihn Band. Ooooh-ooh-oooooh