
Differences Above Similarities

The existance of verifiable atruism among primate populations has long puzzled evolutionary biologists. Altruistic behavior cannot evlove by ordinary natural selection because it decreases the fitness of the individual performing the behavior. An answer to this problem was not clearly formulated until 1964 when a biologist named W. D. Hamilton published a theory which predicts that altruistic behaviors will be favored by natural selection if the costs of perfroming the behavior are less than the benefits discounted by the coefficient of relatedness between actor and recipient.

rb > c

r = how closely the actor and the recipients are genetically related
b = the total benefits to all individuals affected by the behavior
c = the cost to the individual performing the behavior

Simplistically, this theory proposed that the closer the relationship between two individuals, the more likely they will behave benevolently toward one another.

Today, as I drove to work I was cut off by several persons insignificantly related to me. I got mad, made a few verbal and gestural comments, and then took the McKinley Ave Exit. I was listening to Ennio Morricone: The Mission Soundtrack.


The JadedCM said...

Jetta Res is getting deeper and deeper. Oh the vast wealth of information found in the Jetta and Jetta owners. Oh and speaking of Jetta owners >85% of the females who drive Jettas are REALLY REALLY good looking!

DAVE DACK said...

That Solzhenitsyn quote might be the best thing I've ever heard.

Has anyone read Ender's Game? This talk of altruism remineded me of the ancestry of the aliens in the story... very insect-like, with queens and everything. Early in the species' history there was only one queen, who killed any other queens so as to remain in power. Then a later queen realized that working alongside another queen (with an equal desire to work together) would be better for the race. And it was, oh it was.

Anonymous said...

Ken brings up a very good point, any newer Jetta models then that which was resurected, often only have attractive women, and if there men well you can speculate. Thank the Lord up above you picked your prime investment when you did and though you play it off as a thorn in your side, you know you like the way it feels when your riding in it. If i were irish i would bless you this evening, with an accent and every thing! I am not how ever, so bless you any way.

The JadedCM said...

big and rich,

I'm glad you have noticed, my friend.

James said...

Ok. Some fruit has fru'ited. It took me too long to fru'it the fruit. So long I had to clean sweat off my keyboard tonight. But in honor of myself, I'm commenting cheaply on a good post.

The new Geter: http://www.davedack.com/geter/

Unknown said...

excellent work james

James said...

:/ I don't like it anymore...

Unknown said...

Search your feelings, James, you know it to be good!