
The Next and Last Semester [Are Yall Ready?]

ART 21: Figure Drawing (3 units)
ART 160: Ceramics (intermediate) (3 units)
ART 120: Drawing (advanced) (3 units)
ART 113: Design (advanced) (3 units)
ART 140: Intermediate Painting (3 units)
ART 179: Development of Artistic Expression (3 units)


Cory PiƱa said...



Who's teaching advanced drawing? Potter-ius? Or Dan? ??

Dan was great at teaching figure drawing. Here, we lump figure drawing and drawing into the same course. It is much better separated as FSU does.

Who's busting intermediate painting? What ya got lined up...you have to develop a theme in that course, if Dan is doing it.

Ed's talking about a F A T show. Heard about it? Fusion of Art and Technology...I'm coming out and bringing a colleague and a curator...


...and tell Linda Richmond to throw an ice cold bucket of water on her head. mb.

Deanna said...

sounds busy.

Anonymous said...

I would watch out for Art 179... try to stay way from Dr. Flemming.

DAVE DACK said...

I still need you to make me a "dd" stamp for my cookies.

Micah said...

New look resurrection. A reincarnation?

The JadedCM said...

New look for the Res...I liked the old.

As for your classes. Let me see if I get this straight. You are getting college credit for Drawing, Playing with Clay, Drawing Again, Creativity, Painting, and then Drawing whatever you want.

Um...James, are you in college?

Glad to hear your finishing up...then its time for a nice job. I know...it sucks.

Anonymous said...


josh said...

i certainly laughing after the last comment