
A Portrait of California

So, my dad plays this game with license plates as he's driving around town. He counts the last three numbers of a license plate sequencially beging at 000. Right now, he's on 680. Truck plates don't count. He's been playing this game for over 6 years. Others play this game as well.


The JadedCM said...


Anonymous said...

three long years 131 =(

Anonymous said...

Longest Tom Friedman project: 7 years.

I wonder what dad would think of the fact that the strategy of his game is very close to the aesthetics of several artists in the 21st century.

Micah said...

You need to update the registration on your plate, or never drive down Shaw. Maybe both. I've been stuck on 100 for the last 4 months, but I'm not a very motivated member of the club. Badass plugin or whatever it is, though.

Micah said...

(to add to your quote . . .) "I must know!"

Unknown said...

I forgot about that, LMAO. I think you or your brother told me about it, and I busted it for about a day and got to 3 or so. Then I said. "WHAT THE HELL I'M I DOING?" Each to their own.

Unknown said...

97 after playing for a year and a half. I have to seriously remind myself not to cheat every now and then when I realize my husband is getting ahead of me.

Micah said...

I did leave the counter going all night and it's at OEVF*** right now.

Micah said...

After a day and a half, the counter is now @ 1ACF***