
The Trip Back '07 - Day 4

Leander, TX - It's Challenge Time! (0:33)


Anonymous said...

Hey James...not sure if you remember me from mine and Hannah's little roadtrip out to Fresno, but I happened over to your blog and saw that you were in Austin this weekend, which I now call home. Hope you guys enjoy your stay and shoot me a note if you want to hang out...it'd be cool to catch up.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd have to say it's south east, but the streets are'nt really north and south, so is't somewhat eastish as well
thank you very much


Ruthie said...

From my quick research on google eath, it looks like the church lies on the Northeast corner of N. West and South St. It looks like the streets kind of angles as well. Am I right?

Micah said...

It's a block down from Bagdad, what the eff else do you really need to know?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

audio blog...its unbelievable..its like you never left

The JadedCM said...

Missing updates...when do I get updates?

And when will you guys be home?

Micah said...

Welcome back

Jonathan Capp said...

James, I don't have your email anymore. Get it done!
